Saturday 21 April 2012

Things change

I told a friend once, “People change. Whether we like
It or not our lives will re-arrange and we’ll just be left
With memories of how things used to be. We’re close
Now, you and me, but in ten years time (I’ll still be
Your best friend and you’ll be mine) where will we find
Time to get drunk every weekend and be hungover
Every Monday? You know love, we’ll have to grow up
One day and I’m telling you, that future isn’t as far
Away as you might think. Oh go on then, yeah, I’ll
Have another drink. We’ll meet people, I know you
Think we’re destined to remain alone but we won’t,
One day I’ll pick up the phone and you’ll say you’ve
Got a surprise, you’ll announce your engagement and
I’ll think it’s lies but it will be the honest truth. Then,
God-willing, I’ll do the same, I’ll grow up and take on
Someone else’s name and then we can kiss goodbye
To our youth and say hello to a life of being somebody’s
Husband and somebody’s wife. You might cringe now
But you know our future will be illuminated with “I do”
And, eventually, “Mummy, will you leave on the light?””

That same friend called me the other day, and although
We didn’t have much to say, he did admit one thing,
“Char, you were completely right.”

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