Tuesday 17 April 2012

The God Debate

He created evil - how can you believe? How can you have
Faith in someone who sends his children in to fight but
Will never retrieve them from battle, who herds us up
Like cattle and, without warning, throws us into the lion’s
Den and demands we fight our way through to the morning.
How you can believe in a God that slaughters his children
And ignores our demands, who tells us he loves us but
Then makes us suffer at his hand, who created this world
For grown men and young boys but then placed people
Upon it who are simply designed to destroy? Honestly,
Explain to me, how can you believe in that man?

The answer is simple: Because I just can. Because while
I often see the wars, and different things on a horrific
Scale, my faith is something that will always prevail.
Just because some people decide to abuse their free will,
Don’t mistake this God’s attempt at gaining a cheap
Thrill because I can assure you that’s not the case. You
Might think I’m naïve in standing in this place and preaching
About what God is to me, but I understand that Faith isn’t
Something you can see and not something you should attempt
To force on another, so don’t mistake this please, my sisters
And brothers as an attempt to convert you to Christianity.
You should consider this as more of a plea: If you don’t
Want my opinions, don’t force your own onto me.

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