Thursday, 16 May 2013

to my pet

I may not understand how you sleep for twenty hours out of the
Day but do not for a second think that I judge you for it. If anything,
I adore it. In a similar fashion to how I adore that high-pitched
Bark that emerges from between your square-set jaw every time
I rest a treat on the floor and tell you to wait a second before you
Devour it. Something that I do not adore, but am somewhat
Jealous of, is your ability to find a wonderful scent in the most
Disgusting of things. Your olfactory abilities put mine to shame
And while I breeze through life smelling everything the same, you
Rediscover the smell of grass every time you go outside. In the
Same way you discover the scent of meat every time we sneak
Half of our dinner out of a restaurant for your dining pleasure too.
I swear, you eat better than some humans do. I don’t understand
Dog greeting, and how it becomes appropriate to sniff someone
Else’s junk upon meeting but hey, it’s just your way. I suppose the
Saving grace is that you’re usually the one being sniffed so, at
Least your nose is clean. I love that you have an intrinsic ability to
Just know when one of us needs a reassuring lick on the arm; in
The same way that we know, when you move to the little sofa to
Be on your own, you do not want to be cuddled, but that’s part
Of your charm. I don’t understand how someone who can’t speak
Has become the best company for me throughout the day; how
Someone who doesn’t comprehend language can always pinpoint
The right thing to say; how someone, who isn’t even a someone,
Has become one of my favourite someones in the world. I don’t
Understand how anyone could ever look into those eyes and
Willingly hurt you, or desert you, do anything but love you. I
Don’t understand how we got so lucky, to have such a perfect pet.

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